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Batik Dlidir - Batik fabricCotton Batik Fabric : A Versatile Textile with Rich Cultural Heritage. Batik, a wax-resist dyeing technique, has a long and rich history in Indonesia. The intricate patterns and vibrant colors of batik fabrics have capti
Susan Shaw - Susan Shaw: Flutist/Teacher of FluteSusan Shaw is a classically-trained flutist and teacher of flute and recorder in Wooster and Northeast Ohio. She specializes in solo and chamber music for the flute.
Sri Lanka Tours | Walkers Tours Sri Lanka Official SiteWelcome to Walkers Tours, the pioneer in curated travel packages that allow vacationers to enjoy every aspect of the island on their Sri Lanka tours.
Top Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu, India - Sona College of Techno0427 - 4099755
Atmospheric Illuminations - The Leica camera BlogThe Leica Gallery Mexico City opens with a big bang: Yael Martinez s photographs reveal surreal worlds caught between dream and reality, and give the viewer free rein to come up with their own associations. In this inter
Home - Olga Pankova ArtToronto Artist Olga Pankova is an internationally recognized artist with works held in private collections around the world.
5 Must-Try London Tours for Solo Travelers – TelegraphExplore London: 5 Tours Perfect for Solo Travelers
Yona Vital-Rabinowitz - SculptorYona Vital-Rabinowitz is a very talented sculptor. The sculptures are made of terra-cotta and of bronze, mainly on judaica motives.
HomeGerald Roberts Artist. A painter in oils and acrylics of Native Americans, landscapes, marine and figurative art.
Eric Dever, bioresume: exhibition history, bibliography, collections, theater and film including Berry Campbell Gallery, New York Times, Blinnk, ParisCONCRET,
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